Music recorded in fine music studios is great. But music done by ordinary folk who would be singing around the piano at the singalong if that is what people did any more, is great too. So every Monday evening, Three D Radio hosts just that – an open mic live-to-air, from 8pm to 9pm. We never know who is going to turn up, we don’t audition, we just welcome anyone along who would like to sing a song. They need to have brought a chord chart if they want others to join in. We always get lots of folk coming along just to watch, (bring your own chair) as this all takes place at Linde Reserve, Nelson Street, Stepney. Be prepared for the great – and the raw.
So, if you’re after a bit of a musical happening with a pot of hot soup and a campfire, look no further – just come along to the Hoot and join in.