Neighbourhood Watch: 2023-08-11

Written by on August 11, 2023

  1. Head in the oven – providence place`
  2. LOLA – Tease Me
  3. Pinegrove – Respirate
  4. Teenage Joans – Wine
  5. King Stingray – Get me out
  6. Bakar – Build me a way
  7. Benee – Blu
  8. Daily J – Skylah
  9. Ocean Alley – Touch back down
  10. Stellie – Softly
  11. Oscar the wild – Unafraid
  12. Labi Siffre – Cannock Chase
  13. Spacey Jane – Lunchtime
  14. Molly Rocket – Kiss you dead
  15. the empty threats – Can’t think about myself
  16. Sunsick Daisy – I’m coming home
  17. The Lazy Susans – Care about yourself
  18. The tullamarines – Never do that
  19. San Cisco – When I dream
  20. Ball Park Music – Nihilist Party Anthem
  21. Arlo Mac – Ease my mind
  22. Madura Green – Potato Salad
  23. Private Function – I dont want to make out with you
  24. Beddy Rays – On my own
  25. Peach PRC – Forever Drunk

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