Radio Survey
Written by Michael on September 18, 2018
Do you listen to the radio? Do you love SA music?
We want your help to make Three D Radio the best it can be! Complete the survey below and share your thoughts, and go into the draw to win prizes!
Sally Kay On September 29, 2018 at 9:36 am
I love 3D radio especially all 5 weekday mornings. I like hearing bands that are going to play in Adelaide soon + after – reliving a great night out.
I’ve had trouble getting through to the checkout to subscribe. This is the second time I’ve tried. Hubby has tried in previous years too. Is there a glitch if trying to use your phone? (It’s something I don’t think of when at work on a proper computer.) Hopefully this attempt will get through as I really want to support the station
Warrick Edmonds On September 30, 2018 at 10:08 am
I’ve completed the survey but forgot to add; I’m old enough to remember what the original Double J was like in Sydney, well before if morphed into Tripple J and especially since the middle naughties when it became just another sold-out rotation, rotation, rotation. The current sound and feel of 3D reminds me a lot of the best days of the original Double J.
I suppose what I’m saying is, I’ll remain very happy if you don’t follow Tripple J down the hard-sell pathway. I’ve lived and traveled many parts of the world,…. you can be proud of 3D, I haven’t heard a better station.
A suggestion: Double J used to broadcast radio plays of a Sunday evening just before a programme called Ambiance, for example, it’s where I first heard The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (was it in the early 80’s?). But the play could come from anywhere and be of any variety. Just something you may consider for occasional variety.
Rob Keighley On October 10, 2018 at 11:09 am
I have been a listener and supporter of this station for 20+ years but I have to say that lately I find myself desperately looking for another station. More often than not the music does my head in. On a friday for 4 hours during ‘Strange Rampage’ it is unlistenable to me. Then after that finishes the next person plays the exact same music. Over that period you can change back to 3d at any given time and it sounds the same, drum and base with some mix of audio from what seems like 60 years ago. If its not that another presenter is plays half an hour of just a noise and then calls it a track. I’m all for people expressing themselves and I see alot of local bands but I feel three d is going on a path I can no longer take. I’m sorry to say you are losing me as a listener and supporter. Even the app is fustrating. When I want to listen to a show instead I get the last 1/2 an hour of the last show with no option to skip ahead. I lose interest or run out of time before I even get the chance to listen to what I want eg. Powersurge.
Discord On July 28, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Open you’re mind a little Rob. Big deal that you don’t like 4 hours of music on a Friday. They happen to be my favorite shows on 3d. Just tune out for those shows whack on you’re cassette tapes of lewy and powersurge and tune back in latter.
3d’s diversity is huge part of it’s appeal to me. Chances are that if you don’t like a track you will never hear it again, Unlike the other radio stations..
Joanne Marie Ganley On April 9, 2019 at 1:14 pm
New time listener. Changed from jjj. Im loving all announcers… Casey tues🖒. Great music from all yrs, beatles 60s to metal to jazz to local. Love it. Play placebo please. Keep it up guys. Your Awesome. Thankyou